Circular economy

Circular economy Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Develop your circularity strategy and identify valorization opportunities

For more than 30 years, Alcimed has been supporting its clients in their circular economy initiatives, particularly in projects involving eco-design, resource reduction, waste recycling and reuse.

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    The challenges related to the circular econony 

    The circular economy is a real source of innovation that stimulates the development of new value chains based on the emergence of new ecosystems. Feedback from circular economy projects based on the creation of sectors and value chains is increasing (e.g., Aliapur and the used tire sector or Citéo and the PET packaging sector). This feedback highlights two main challenges to set up profitable sectors:

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      How we support you in your projects related to the circular economy

      For more than 15 years, Alcimed has been supporting its clients on issues related to the circular economy. Historically, we have supported our industrial clients in all of our sectors (pharmaceuticals, agrifood, specialty chemicals, energy and environment, cosmetics, and aeronautics, space, and defense) in their search for more efficient processes from an environmental point of view and in the identification of more environmentally friendly raw materials. More recently, we have observed an accelerated interest in circular economy initiatives among our clients, as well as a desire to be more proactive.

      We have therefore worked on different methodologies to continue to support our clients on this new uncharted territory:

      Establishment of new valorization channels (identification of new markets, reflection on collection/logistics, identification of new partners, etc.)
      Identification of new opportunities (service offer, new business models) linked to incoming circular value chains
      Definition of circular roadmaps to increase the share of circularity in current and future businesses

      Examples of recent projects carried out for our clients in circular economy

      • Search for opportunities to valorize industrial ashes in a circularity approach

        Our team supported a chemical company generating ash through its activity in its valorization strategy. As part of a circularity initiative, this industrial player wanted to valorize these wastes being produced throughout the world.

        We first established ‘product sheets’ describing the performances associated with these new materials, before analyzing more than 10 industrial sectors to identify relevant applications according to pre-identified performance criteria. We then directly contacted the manufacturers concerned and validated their interest.

        The result for our client? A list of new qualified partners ready to test the products offered.

      • Support for an eco-design process for flying taxis

        Our team supported a mobility player seeking to develop flying taxis with a central focus on the circular economy. To do this, we integrated eco-design considerations into its development processes and identified two points of investigation:

        1. Can we rely on existing recycling industries?
        2. Are there alternative technologies that are more relevant from an economic and societal point of view?

        Thanks to our investigation, we were able to identify recycling industries and decipher their operating methods, and on the other hand find partners offering alternative solutions to one of our client’s components.

      • Strategy for the valorization of production waste as part of a remanufacturing process

        Our team supported an industrial player in its circular economy initiative to identify and select different technological avenues that would allow it to re-use its production waste in its own production cycle.

        We first produced a technological panorama presenting all the possible approaches to treatment and valorization of the materials considered, with no sectoral limits. We then analyzed these approaches according to their performance, maturity, and applicability to our client’s context in order to select the most relevant ones.

        At the end of this stage, we identified on the most attractive approaches, a first selection of potential partners to support our client in its developments.

      • Opportunity study for the creation of a label waste valorization industry

        Our team supported a labeling manufacturer in the valorization of its label waste.

        During the first stage, various new potential uses were identified, taking into account the intrinsic characteristics of this waste. Secondly, we looked at establishing an industry for the most promising uses.

        This second step made it possible to identify and select players who were able to perform tests from samples and validate a first proof of concept for our client.

      • Support for a major player in water management in its circularity initiative concerning its used products

        Alcimed supported a major player in water management in its circularity approach by analyzing and categorizing the plastic and metal used in the design of its products. Initially, we qualified our customer’s products on the basis of data collected internally. We then identified the unqualified references and began a clarification process with the suppliers of these products. Finally, together with the company’s experts, we defined and validated hypotheses by drawing up material composition trends for each under-qualified product family.

        As a result of this work, we were able to provide our customer with relevant and qualified information on its products, and recommended various sustainable alternatives.

      • Assessment of future circularity regulations for a leading player in the aeronautics industry

        Alcimed worked with a major player in the aeronautics industry to identify upcoming regulations on circularity and analyze best practices for responding to them.

        As a first step, we mapped out future regulations likely to apply to the aeronautics sector, and then our team identified sectors similar to the aeronautics industry where similar issues had arisen. We then conducted interviews in the targeted industries to analyze practices in the investigated sectors.

        At the end of these stages, based on the analyses carried out on the information gathered, we proposed to our customer ideas for key actions to be implemented to anticipate and integrate the circular economy into its practices, and ensure regular monitoring of future regulations.

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        Tell us about your uncharted territory

        You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

        One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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