Healthcare consulting

Healthcare Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

For more than 30 years, our Healthcare team has been supporting everyday pharmaceutical, biotech, medtech, diagnostics, vaccine and animal health companies in their innovation and new market development projects.

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    How we support players in the healthcare sector

    Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new markets development in life sciences. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday decision-makers and business departments (marketing, research, innovation, strategy, CSR, etc.) in their innovation and new market development projects.

    Our projects for healthcare players cover topics as diverse as new technologies and therapeutic approaches, preparing for new drug launches, understanding disease management and care pathways, assessing market and licensing opportunities, market access, regulatory framework analysis, and much more!

    And our activities are not limited to the Healthcare sector. The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of missions and develop recognized expertise in our specialized sectors.

    Our missions

    Our expertise

    What they say

    • TCV_sanofi_miniature_site_EN_min

      Cyril SAVY

      Solution Lead Diabete Division

    • Logo_carre_Boehringer_Ingelheim

      "The Alcimed team’s support has enabled Boehringer Ingelheim to move forward efficiently on several projects in a structured way over the past two years. The Alcimed team brought a good level of strategic thinking, an open-mindedness and a willingness to entertain new ideas. These assets enabled Alcimed to successfully challenge internal teams and co-build solutions with them. In the same way, the creation of the VPH Hub in Lyon, accompanied by many players in the Lyon Healthcare ecosystem, has progressed in a more organized and efficient way thanks to a team that is both structuring, structured, and ... friendly."

      Erick LELOUCHE

      President Boehringer Ingelheim France

    • Logo_carre_MundiPharma

      "I had the chance to work with the Alcimed team in preparing the launch of our first biosimilar in France. Alcimed's support was particularly valuable as it allowed us to have a perfect alignment between the definition of our strategy and its execution, which ultimately contributed to the success of this launch (our product became market leader 12 months after its launch). Alcimed's approach based on a rigorous methodology and the constant search for innovative solutions also allowed us to reinforce the expertise of our internal teams and to create a positive work dynamic. I hope that I will have other opportunities in the future to work with Alcimed's Healthcare team."

      Benoit SLAVICEK

      Global VP ExCom member

    • Logo_carre_B_Braun

      "I recently worked with Alcimed on a project to investigate HCP perception of different future products. I really appreciated the execution of the project on an eye-to-eye level between the teams and the broad language skills and multiculturality in the Alcimed team!"


      Vice President Marketing Injectable Drugs

    Examples of projects carried out for our clients in the healthcare industry

    • Optimizing the emotional journey of patients with rare diseases

      One of our clients, a leading pharmaceutical company, wanted to improve the care of patients suffering from a rare disease by developing a high value-added service offering that would improve their well-being or quality of life throughout their care pathway (from diagnosis to palliative care).

      To do this, our team interviewed patients, patient support workers and associations in each country involved in order to map their emotions and to identify the levers for improving their well-being and quality of life that could be addressed by developing services. Following this, our team pre-tested these service ideas with healthcare professionals, before organizing a workshop to co-construct a service development roadmap with our client’s medical and marketing teams.

      Ultimately, several services were deployed in the pilot countries and then extended to other countries in the zone, improving the emotional pathway of patients and positioning our client as a major player in public health.

    • Pharma market access: preparation for the launch of a new CAR-T therapy

      We assisted a leading pharmaceutical company in the field of CAR-T therapies in preparing the launch of its new treatment and in defining its market access strategy in the United States, Canada and Europe. CAR-Ts are highly personalized technologies that require a high level of specialization to be delivered to patients, and therefore not all healthcare centers are ready to administer them. In this context, and in order to define the market access strategy for its new treatment, we helped our client to:

      1. Understand and identify which centers would have the capacity to bring CAR-Ts to market.
      2. Analyze the bottlenecks for approval in the in-scope markets.
      3. Consequently, define the actions to be implemented to ensure access to its new CAR-T therapy.

      After an investigation conducted in more than 200 healthcare centers in the United States, Canada and Europe, our analysis brought us to recommend to our client the next key steps to be taken in order to develop the skills of each center and to promote rapid access to their new treatment.

    • Project roadmap for the launch of an orphan drug in Europe

      Alcimed assisted an American biopharmaceutical client in defining the launch strategy of its orphan drug in Europe, and then in structuring a concrete and operational plan, both at the level of the European region and at the level of each targeted country.

      The launch plan is a roadmap for each of the company’s key functions (medical, marketing, production, regulatory, sales) and covers the period from pre-launch (before obtaining the MA – Marketing Authorization) to the first sales.

      Today, our team is still involved in regularly updating the first plan defined with our client, according to internal or external developments around this orphan drug in several European countries.

    • Prospective study: evolution of the role of the pharmaceutical sales representative in the pharmaceutical industry

      We supported a leading pharmaceutical company in a prospective analysis of the role of the medical sales representative of the future. Our client, the company’s sales director, was faced with a context of changing customer engagement practices and wanted to draw up a vision of what the pharmaceutical sales representative’s job of the future might be.

      We helped him to define a vision for 2030 and to build a roadmap with the different projects to be implemented to make his teams evolve towards this new role. We first led several working sessions with all the stakeholders involved in the different projects to identify the objectives, key steps, levers, resources, means, timing, indicators, expected deliverables and the functions involved for each project.

      Then, we formalized this roadmap to facilitate its diffusion internally and to communicate on the next steps.

    • Rethinking the innovation process of a pharmaceutical company for greater agility

      Our team assisted a pharmaceutical player who found that his innovation process was not agile and efficient enough. We first exchanged with our client’s teams to get a detailed understanding of what was working well and to identify the malfunctions of the initial process.

      Then, we identified inspiring cases from industries outside healthcare but facing the same issues and we defined the guiding principles of the new process to be implemented. With this material, we organized a “Sprint” bringing together about twenty representatives from the various departments and functions involved in innovation, in order to co-build the new model following the precepts of Design Thinking.

      Ultimately, this work enabled us to co-construct with our client’s teams their new innovation process, more focused and more agile at the same time, allowing more disruption and empowerment of the teams!

    • Digital customer experience: rethinking a more digital sales approach in the field of oncology

      We assisted a leading pharmaceutical company in redesigning its sales approach to prescribers to make it more digital. The Covid-19 crisis having strongly impacted the usual interactions of the sales force with doctors, our client wanted to rethink its entire go-to-market approach on the ‘customer experience’ part to develop a new approach, entirely digital, and different from the competition.

      By identifying trends and benchmarking non-pharmaceutical players in their digital sales approach, and by analyzing the receptivity of doctors to the pre-identified ideas, we helped our client’s sales and marketing teams to define their new ‘customer experience’, from the inspiration phase to the implementation of the new practices within the field team.

    • Comprehensive analysis of the organization of the Brazilian health system to identify gaps to fill in access to medicines

      In a project scoping Brasil for a leading health industry player, Alcimed has completed an international large-scale comprehensive analysis of the health expenditures, the organization of the health system characteristics, the key drivers of the decentralization of the public health scheme and the related regulatory developments.

      In this project, our client gained an overarching view of the Brazilian organization of the health system as well as the shortcomings of the current scheme and related gaps to fill, where there is an opportunity to improve access to medicines.

      Moreover, we also investigated the various stakeholders and insurance systems of Brazil, to identify the key audiences to engage with and availability of medicines strategy.

    • Technology scouting for a medical device player

      We worked with the R&D team of a leading medical device manufacturer who wanted to identify and evaluate smart sensors to develop a new connected object.

      After having discussed with our client’s team to identify the state of internal knowledge and to frame our scope of investigation, we first predefined the evaluation criteria (level of maturity of the technology, technical performance, partners involved, scope of development capacities, etc.) for our investigation. Once this first step was completed, we identified and analyzed potential technologies and associated players on the market in a broad way, and then characterized a final selection of the most relevant players and technologies.

      In the end, we were able to recommend 3 possible solutions to our client through this technology scouting, according to the criteria we defined together.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.

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