Position Paper Alcimed – Coordinated primary care: towards the renewal of local care?

While in France nearly 6 million people do not have a regular doctor, i.e. more than one adult out of 10, and while successive crises highlight the growing tension in the French healthcare system, the public authorities are basing their hopes on the deployment of coordinated primary care organizations: Multidisciplinary MSPs, healthcare centers, primary care teams, …
Highlighting primary care organizations, key players in local care
These organizations, led by healthcare professionals, are essential to address the many challenges of the years to come, starting with access to primary care physicians, reducing overcrowded emergency services, structuring territorial healthcare pathways and renewing the attractiveness of healthcare professions.
As they are deployed more and more on the national territory, Alcimed has chosen to highlight these organizations and the major turning point they represent with regards to local care, but also the levers to be activated to guarantee a significant and sustainable deployment on the whole French territory.
In this white paper, you will explore :
- The different forms of coordinated primary care practice
- Their impact on care from the point of view of patients
- Their impact on care from the point of view of healthcare professionals
- The levers to be activated to guarantee sustainable deployment throughout the country