Increased interest over the last 10 years
The number of scientific publications, as well as patent applications, has increased sharply since the beginning of the 2010s. This is in line with the announced willingness of the various international entities to put into orbit these space-based solar power stations.

Figure 2 – Number of scientific publications on space-based solar power station since 1970 (source: Scopus)
Query: TITLE-ABS-KEY ((space-based AND solar AND power AND station) OR (space-based AND solar AND power AND satellite))

Figure 3 – Number of patents filed and granted (source: The Lens)
Patent query: space-based AND solar AND power AND station
The technological challenge of orbital solar power plants
For an orbital solar power station (CSO or SPS for Space-based solar Power Station), the transmission of solar energy captured in space remains a technological challenge. Two approaches coexist and still present major technical, economic and regulatory challenges.
| Micro-waves | Laser |
Description | Solar energy is collected by two large networks of mirrors, then converted into a microwave and transmitted to a field of receiving antennas with a diameter of 8 km in order to be converted into an electric current. This type of CSO is in geostationary orbit, at an altitude of around 36 km. | In principle, laser energy transmission systems are very similar to microwave energy transmission. The main difference lies in the wavelengths used. While most wireless energy transmissions are based on microwave frequencies of 2.45 or 5.8 GHz (0.12-0.05 m), laser energy transmission takes place in the visible or near infrared frequency spectrum (1.5 pm). This type of CSO is in low orbit, i.e. at an altitude of less than 2,000 km. |
Advantages | Stable, continuous transmission of energy into the atmosphere (rain, clouds, etc.). Each CSO can supply more than 1 GW of energy to the terrestrial receiver. The intensity of the energy transmitted does not exceed that of the sun. Mature, mature technology. | Much lower cost than microwave satellites. Only one launch is required per satellite, reducing costs and risks. The small diameter of the laser makes it easier to receive on the ground. Because the satellite is in low orbit, maintenance is easier. |
Disadvantages | The production cost of the power station is extremely high, estimated at several tens of billions of dollars. The large size of the satellite would require several launches and assembly in space. As the satellite is in geostationary orbit, and therefore very far from the Earth, it would not be easy to maintain. | The relatively low power of each satellite, of the order of 1 to 10 MW, would require several satellites to have a real impact. This solution raises a number of concerns about the use of lasers, such as the blinding and militarisation of space. Interactions with the atmosphere (absorption, dispersion, turbulence) complicating the transmission of power through clouds and rain. |
Orbital solar power plants: a subject of innovation to be followed closely
Despite the fact that the progress of current projects is still limited, and that the number of publications and patents on the subject of orbital solar power plants is still relatively low, the challenges linked to clean energy are growing rapidly.
Technological innovation in the field of energy will play a crucial role in achieving the objectives of carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as in strengthening the energy sovereignty of States.
Technological innovation in the field of energy will play a key role in achieving the objectives of carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as in strengthening the energy sovereignty of States. Alcimed can support you in your projects related to carbon neutrality.
About the author,
Alexis, Consultant in the Chemistry and Materials team of Alcimed in France