Strategic foresight

Strategic foresight Agency Consulting firm Experts Specialists Consultancy

Anticipate changes in your industry by imagining its possible futures

For more than 30 years, our specialized team has been supporting companies in imagining the possible futures of their sectors, at different time horizons (3, 5, 10, 20 year, or more, forecasts) to anticipate and prepare for possible futures, their opportunities as well as their threats.

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    How we support you in assessing a strategic foresight

    In a strategic foresight approach, we rely both on the analysis of existing data on major trends in the environment and on weaker signals such as the arrival of a new entrant, the adoption of a new technology in a related sector or a change in usage.

    Our teams work on:

    • The laboratory, the factory, the hospital, the aircraft, the cockpit… of the future
    • The customer experience (patient, consumer, passenger,…)
    • Structural changes in a sector, an ecosystem and the associated new business models
    • Up to the new skills or new professions to be developed to be better equipped for these possible futures.

    Examples of recent strategic foresights carried out for our clients

    • Strategic foresight: new services for the hospital of the future

      We have supported a leading medical device player in the supply of consumables for hospitals in the identification of new growth opportunities in the hospital of the future.

      Through the identification and characterization of trends impacting the healthcare sector as well as the description of prospective situations in the hospital, Alcimed enabled its client to identify and select new services to be developed now for the hospitals of tomorrow, thus promoting a pioneering role for our client in proposing the services of the future!

    • Strategic foresight: strategic reflection on the energy of cities of the future beyond 2050

      One of our clients, a leader in the energy sector, wanted to prepare for the future and diversify its investments by developing scenarios for the city of the future beyond 2050 through a strategic foresight research.

      Through the organization of internal brainstorming and ideation sessions, the realization of an external creativity workshop, the elaboration of scenarios and the organization of an illustration contest on crowdsourcing designer platforms, Alcimed was able to nourish its client’s strategic thinking on the future of energy in cities and to promote the projection of all internal teams on this subject.

    • Strategic foresight: animation of a strategic and operational reflection around the evolution of the competition

      Our team supported a client in the healthcare sector in the preparation and facilitation of a strategic foresight exercise of competitive evolution by teams around the world. Our client was in a particularly competitive market environment and wished to project with its teams the evolution of its competitors in order to work now on action plans of differentiation and gain or maintain market share.

      To do so, our team first analyzed the portfolios of the major competitors and their dynamics, then analyzed the other players in the ecosystem, who could either develop specific solutions or technological bricks, or hold strong positions on a niche sub-segment of the market. We then analyzed potential new entrants, based on market trends.

      Based on all this, our team co-defined prospective scenarios with our client, in preparation for the facilitation of a global workshop in a “win-game” format, enabling the teams to be involved in identifying the strongest threats and defining actions to be implemented now to prepare for them proactively.

    • Prospective study: evolution of the role of the pharmaceutical sales representative in the pharmaceutical industry

      We supported a leading pharmaceutical company in a prospective analysis of the role of the medical sales representative of the future. Our client, the company’s sales director, was faced with a context of changing customer engagement practices and wanted to draw up a vision of what the pharmaceutical sales representative’s job of the future might be.

      We helped him to define a vision for 2030 and to build a roadmap with the different projects to be implemented to make his teams evolve towards this new role. We first led several working sessions with all the stakeholders involved in the different projects to identify the objectives, key steps, levers, resources, means, timing, indicators, expected deliverables and the functions involved for each project.

      Then, we formalized this roadmap to facilitate its diffusion internally and to communicate on the next steps.

    You have a project?

      Tell us about your uncharted territory

      You have a project and want to discuss it with our explorers, write us!

      One of our explorers will contact you shortly.