Workshops consulting

For over 30 years, our team has been providing day-to-day support to industrial leaders, innovative SMEs and start-ups, and institutional clients, in the organization and animation of their workshops.
They trust us

How we support our clients in the organization and animation of their workshops
Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new markets development in life sciences. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday decision-makers and business departments (marketing, research, innovation, strategy, CSR, etc.) in their innovation and new market development projects.
Our workshops are organized on an ad hoc basis, in person or remotely, and combine our mastery of the substance with specific methodologies, fun animation methods, and innovative or creative tools.
And our activities are not limited to the animation of workshops. The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of missions and develop recognized expertise in our specialized sectors.
Our missions
Our expertise
Our missions
Strategic marketing
Clients & Patients
Commercial strategy
New partners
Our expertise
Environment & Climate
Beauty & Nutrition
Energy & mobility
Examples of workshops carried out for our clients
Workshop organization: co-definition of a shared ambition and an associated roadmap
We supported the members of the management committee of a leading player in the vaccine industry in the co-construction of the ambition and the definition of the company’s five-year strategic roadmap. First, our team conducted an initial preparation phase for the workshop (analysis of the company’s current situation, understanding of the key challenges within 5 years, possible ways of evolution for the company and each function, etc.).
We then organized a two-day workshop mixing plenary sessions (co-definition of the ambition, intervention of external speakers,…), co-construction sessions in sub-groups (declination of the ambition into action plans by strategic pillar,…) and moments of fun, exchange or team-building during breaks, lunches and evenings.
This exercise enabled our client to reach its objective of co-construction, by aligning its management committee towards an evolution desired and shared by all, while reinforcing cohesion within the whole team.
Creative workshop: preparation and animation of a “culinary” workshop to decide on R&D investments for the launch of a rare disease treatment
Our team supported the global R&D team of a leading food company in the development of its future product offer through a “culinary workshop”.
To do so, we organized and moderated a two-day workshop gathering about 40 participants, with the aim of selecting the two R&D programs to be conducted in the next few years. From the collection of their “ingredients” (ideas) to the realization of their “recipe” (R&D investment program), Alcimed supported the several R&D “kitchen” teams in the construction of their future during these two days.
Mixing numerous sub-team activities, presentation and voting sessions in plenary, and team building activities, our workshop resulted in the pre-selection of two of the developed programs to be evaluated by the company’s executive committee.
Inspiration workshop: analysis of innovative business models in animal health
We worked with a leading player in the animal health sector who wanted to imagine new business models in connection with new services to be developed.
We organized an “inspiration” workshop bringing together players from different sectors such as Butagaz, Xerox, Samsung and Somfy. This workshop comprised 2 steps: the first one consisted in better understanding the history, the best practices and the key success factors of these inspiring companies’ models, and the second one consisted in co-constructing with our client the most adapted model to their case.
Our approach enabled our client to draw inspiration from other non-competitive players to define an innovative business model that would differentiate themselves from existing models.
Co-construction workshop: definition of new services to improve the well-being and patients quality of life throughout their patient pathway
Our team helped a leading pharmaceutical company to understand the emotions experienced by patients with rare diseases in order to develop a service offer that would improve their well-being and quality of life.
After mapping the emotions of patients throughout their care pathway (from pre-diagnosis to palliative care) in several European countries, our team benchmarked patient services around the world, before organizing a workshop with our client’s medical and marketing teams to select service ideas and pre-define service offerings to address the emotional challenges identified with patients.
Co-construction of the future smart factory of an aeronautical manufacturer
Alcimed supported one of its leading clients in aircraft production on the design of its future factory 4.0. The objective of our client was to gain competitiveness and to be one step ahead of its competitors in terms of expertise in assembly and testing.
To do this, Alcimed began by making an inventory of the client’s expertise. Then, our teams carried out a benchmark of the existing best practices in the assembly industry, analyzed their impact on our client’s KPIs, and analyzed their transferability for our client’s activities.
Finally, using all this information, our team held several workshops with our client to define their ideal smart factory and be able to challenge its solution providers.
Workshop series: definition of a brand plan for the launch of a cell therapy in France
We supported the French subsidiary of a leading healthcare company in the launch of a cell therapy. Our role was to accelerate the development of their marketing plan, from the definition of the business ambition to the operational roadmap.
Conducted in an agile manner to meet a tight timing challenge, the project involved a series of workshops with phases of analysis (SWOT, gap analysis, analysis of the French context, …), segmentation and prioritization of targets while integrating the strategic and tactical imperatives defined by global teams in order to create consensus within the multidisciplinary teams in the subsidiary (medical, marketing, market access, …).
We then helped our client to formalize a summary document to present a clear and argued vision of the plan to the global team.
Improvement of an innovation process through a series of workshops for a leader in the agri-food industry
We supported the R&D team of a leading player in the food industry in optimizing its innovation process to accelerate the marketing of its product offer. Our client had an innovation process very rich in ideas but internally focused and not very open to an external ecosystem.
This constraint generated many limitations, including slow idea characterization and feasibility checks. By conducting a benchmark of existing open innovation practices in the industry and leading a series of workshops with our client’s teams, we identified and implemented actions to use external partners at various stages of the innovation process in order to accelerate the different stages and thus the marketing of product innovations.
Setting up an “innovation lab” through several workshops to stimulate a culture of innovation
We assisted a leading pharmaceutical company that wanted to bring its teams together around innovation to develop new products, new services, new market access models and new ways of working; all in a special and unique place.
We decided to generate this new momentum by imagining the creation of an “innovation laboratory”, a physical place “apart”.
Through an external benchmark and internal workshops with a dedicated project team, we defined its operational functioning and roadmap and then organized the first events taking place in this new laboratory with employees now ready to innovate!
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Founded in 1993, Alcimed is an innovation and new business consulting firm, specializing in innovation driven sectors: life sciences (healthcare, biotech, agrifood), energy, environment, mobility, chemicals, materials, cosmetics, aeronautics, space and defence.
Our purpose? Helping both private and public decision-makers explore and develop their uncharted territories: new technologies, new offers, new geographies, possible futures, and new ways to innovate.
Located across eight offices around the world (France, Europe, Singapore and the United States), our team is made up of 220 highly-qualified, multicultural and passionate explorers, with a blended science/technology and business culture.
Our dream? To build a team of 1,000 explorers, to design tomorrow’s world hand in hand with our clients.
A workshop is a collaborative work session that brings together different stakeholders to work together on a common objective: rethinking an organizational model, defining a strategy, building an action plan, selecting a tool or technology, finding a consensus on a given subject, etc. A workshop must be organized on an ad hoc basis, and the facilitation methodology and duration must be established according to the size of the group and the expected objective.