Project management consulting

For more than 30 years, our team has been supporting industrial leaders, innovative SMEs and start-ups, as well as institutional investors, in the management of their innovation projects and the development of new markets.
They trust us

How we support our clients in their project management
Founded in 1993, Alcimed is a consulting firm specialized in innovation and new business. Spread over our 8 offices in the world (in France, Europe, Singapore and the USA), our team of 220 high-level explorers supports everyday corporate management and operational decision-makers (heads of marketing, R&D, innovation, strategy, CSR, industrial operations, etc.) in their innovation and new business projects.
We support our clients in their project management needs in a wide range of fields, including the development of project roadmaps, the organization and strategic planning of complex projects, the operational management of consortia, public-private partnerships or multidisciplinary teams, the preparation of financing applications, change management during transformation phases, the provision of dedicated resources in our team who are experts in project management methods, and much more!
The diversity of our clients (manufacturers, ETIs, innovative start-ups, institutions, etc.), the subjects we deal with, and the geographical areas we explore, enable us to master a wide range of missions and develop recognized expertise in our specialized sectors.
Our missions
Our expertise
Our missions
Strategic marketing
Clients & Patients
Commercial strategy
New partners
Our expertise
Environment & Climate
Beauty & Nutrition
Energy & mobility
What they say
"When I think of Alcimed, I think of a world map, where there are lots and lots of connection points. And in the center, there's Alcimed shining and making all those connections in a pretty simple way."
Patrick Palluel
Digital Product Transformation Lead
"The Alcimed team brought a new way of looking."
Marketing Manager, BD Biosciences
Examples of project management missions carried out for our clients
Design of the European vaccine innovation roadmap for Vaccines Europe
We supported Vaccines Europe, a vaccine group within EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) in mobilizing a consortium of vaccine manufacturers and institutions to build together an innovative “European Vaccine Roadmap” for the next 5 years.
Our team played the role of project manager in order to 1) bring together the visions of the different vaccine players mobilized, 2) co-write the roadmap with all of them 3) while ensuring the alignment between all and the coherence of the suggested directions.
The result for our client? A consortium of aligned players, a clear and ambitious collaborative roadmap, and a shared innovation project! Find all the information about this project and the details of the roadmap here: http://iprove-roadmap.eu/
Rethinking the innovation process of a pharmaceutical company for greater agility
Our team assisted a pharmaceutical player who found that his innovation process was not agile and efficient enough. We first exchanged with our client’s teams to get a detailed understanding of what was working well and to identify the malfunctions of the initial process.
Then, we identified inspiring cases from industries outside healthcare but facing the same issues and we defined the guiding principles of the new process to be implemented. With this material, we organized a “Sprint” bringing together about twenty representatives from the various departments and functions involved in innovation, in order to co-build the new model following the precepts of Design Thinking.
Ultimately, this work enabled us to co-construct with our client’s teams their new innovation process, more focused and more agile at the same time, allowing more disruption and empowerment of the teams!
Collaborative projects: redefining the role of a Living Lab creating collaborative projects
Our team assisted one of our clients in the redefinition of the contract of objectives and means of a leading Living Lab in France in the field of health and autonomy.
The main objective of our project was to rethink the role of the Living Lab in order to facilitate and streamline the conduct of its collaborative projects. Our support allowed the prioritization of the Living lab’s strategic fields of action, the identification of collaborative projects with high added value, the review of the governance and the construction of a monitoring strategy.
This work made it possible to “reassure” investors while maintaining a certain amount of flexibility, and also enabled to realign all the teams towards the same objective.
Building of a project management software to plan and optimize commercial launches for a leading pharmaceutical player
Alcimed worked with a top pharmaceutical client to develop a comprehensive process and project management product-specific tool to plan and prioritize actions at the right timing to efficiently launch multiple products on hematology in a short timeframe.
At first, our team defined a clear vision of what the tool should be, key parameters, required data, and future use cases, including format, information granularity, and outputs desired. We then proceeded to define a set of operational activities (e.g. segmentation and targeting strategy, environmental field campaign, product availability, etc.) for the launch of a product to be implemented in the tool. For each activity, all the relevant steps for the launch of the product, the process evolution criteria, and associated decision processes were characterized and implemented in the final version of the tool.
In the end, we built a product-specific project management tool to optimize the process of the launch of several products within a short period. The intuitive and easy-to-use tool provided a clear visualization of the potential bottlenecks, teams’ planning, and the different activities details (“to-do lists”), enabling our client to sequence and optimize their product launches.
Creation of the roadmap for an orphan drug launch project in Europe
Alcimed assisted an American biopharmaceutical client in defining the launch strategy of its orphan drug in Europe, and then in structuring a concrete and operational plan, both at the level of the European region and at the level of each targeted country.
The launch plan is a roadmap for each of the company’s key functions (medical, marketing, production, regulatory, sales) and covers the period from pre-launch (before obtaining the MA – Marketing Authorization) to the first sales.
Today, our team is still involved in regularly updating the first plan defined with our client, according to internal or external developments around this orphan drug in several European countries.
Project roadmap for the implementation of a 4.0 plant in aeronautics
For nearly 2 years, Alcimed has supported a company leader in the aeronautics industry in the definition of its project roadmap for the implementation of its 4.0 plant and the operational deployment of this new factory.
To carry out this project, our team first identified via a benchmark the most relevant organization models and technologies to consider, then we selected the most interesting external service providers for our client, and we finally defined the articulation and the schedule of the different worksites.
Once the final roadmap was validated, our team piloted, monitored and led the different working groups in charge of the various projects, to deliver the first operational results 12 months later!
Design, deployment and evaluation of an experimental ITEP proof of concept
Alcimed has accompanied AIRe in the design and deployment of an experiment on the functioning of an integrated ITEP device in 6 French regions, in order to streamline the pathways of the children and teenagers received, by proposing the most adapted response to their needs.
At the end of this 2-year experiment, Alcimed then conducted an evaluation of the system through a detailed analysis of the service provided.
Aware of the value of this integrated “out-of-home” system, the legislator has incorporated it into practice through the publication of a dedicated decree.
Assistance in the preparation of a “Eurostars” funding application
Our team has assisted project leaders in the preparation of a “Eurostars” funding application and the search for French and European industrial partners. Alcimed carried out a diagnosis of the current state of the project and then assisted the project leaders in identifying and structuring partnerships (establishing contacts and developing the consortium).
Following this, we wrote the response file to the call for projects (AAP), in collaboration with the project leaders on the non-scientific parts, and proceeded to a global critical review, until the final file was sent. Our support allowed our client to structure its approach from A-to-Z and to guarantee an optimization of the content and form of its financial file.
You have a project?
To go further
Founded in 1993, Alcimed is an innovation and new business consulting firm, specializing in innovation driven sectors: life sciences (healthcare, biotech, agrifood), energy, environment, mobility, chemicals, materials, cosmetics, aeronautics, space and defence.
Our purpose? Helping both private and public decision-makers explore and develop their uncharted territories: new technologies, new offers, new geographies, possible futures, and new ways to innovate.
Located across eight offices around the world (France, Europe, Singapore and the United States), our team is made up of 220 highly-qualified, multicultural and passionate explorers, with a blended science/technology and business culture.
Our dream? To build a team of 1,000 explorers, to design tomorrow’s world hand in hand with our clients.
We’re not consultants, we’re explorers! Working with a consulting firm like Alcimed means living a different experience, with a team that always favors face-to-face meetings, goes beyond classic deliverables in favor of innovative ones (videos, data visualization tools, websites, collaborative platforms, …), that favors interactive animations in projects (escape games, quizzes, board games, role-playing games, video games, …), and that loves to make clients discover unusual places!
Alcimed carries out consulting missions in a variety of fields and on topics as diverse as the uncharted territories of our clients! Our projects and the methodological approaches we develop are based on the specific needs and contexts of our clients. We for example support our clients in defining their R&D or innovation strategy, in studying their target markets, in identifying and exploring new opportunities, in investigating innovative technologies, in defining their sales and marketing strategies, in integrating CSR or data science into their practices, or in imagining the future of their activities.
We have chosen to operate without using pre-established methodologies. Our consultants always start from the context and from the specific questions of our clients and think about the best way to provide clear answers. Let’s forget methodological approaches of copy-pasting.
Beyond analyzing the web and literature, and large internal or external data lakes using data science, our consultants target and interact with key stakeholders: these can be clients, suppliers, partners, experts, opinion leaders, end-customers or patients, … and we challenge their viewpoints. This investigative work enables us to build our clear opinion at the crossroads between the viewpoints of the different stakeholders, and leads us to build recommendations to allow our clients to make decisions.
Our team consists of 220 passionate individuals, with degrees from the best international schools and universities , most possessing a dual education in science/technology and business or data science. More than a third of our consultants have an international and multicultural background, and we master more than 20 languages and cultures, including the world’s most widely spoken ones: English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic and Japanese.